Mission Statement

   This site is dedicated to make available to all people, Bible sermons & lectures that are biblically sound and useful in living out the Christian faith in a manner that is consistant with sound Bible doctrine.The intent is that these sermons will assist you and encourage you in your personal study of the Bible. Our goal is not just promoting Anabaptism, but rather the vision of the original Anabaptists which was to become more Biblical and apply the teaching of Jesus to their everyday life.
   It is important to remember that all sermons as well as written commentaries are delivered through fallible men. Unlike the inspired and infallible Word of God, the Holy Bible. There is no man or woman today who has a complete understanding of the Word of God, therefore we must diligently search the scriptures daily as did the Bereans, (Acts 17 ) to insure that we will not be misled by false doctrines and teachings.
   Most of the messages on this site were delivered by those of a conservative anabaptist faith. There are some exceptions as there may be guest speakers at times but most importantly, each speaker & minister was considered sound in biblical teaching at that time. People and their theological positions do change at times and we do by no means endorse any speaker that may no longer adhere to sound biblical doctrine. Many would be commonly refered to as Conservative Mennonite and belong to various small groups or mini conferences throughout the USA & Canada.
   On June 12, 2007, the executive board of the FCM (Fellowship of Concerned Mennonites), agreed to give counsel and accountability to Anabaptist Sermons.com for the content of this site. Our statement of faith is also available on their site.

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