Anabaptist Sermons

... it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. 1Cor. 1:21

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Our Role As An Earthly Citizen

This sermon from Romans 13 is a timely message for us Christians. Especially given the current political senerio. Are we good citizens? Would our community miss us if we were gone?

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He That Has The Son Has Life

Pastor Duane Eby of Hagerstown MD was with us at Faith Community Chapel on Friday April 26th 2014 starting a series of meetings for the weekend. The first message entitled "He That Has The Son Has Life", examining the true life that should be evident in those that claim to believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. 

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Keith Daniel at Faith Community Chapel

Keith Daniel and evangelist from South Africa holding a series of meetings at Faith Community Chapel in Topeka IN on Sept. 13,14 & 15, 2013; preached a sermon, "A Faith That Works" on Fri. night engaging young and old alike with his account of his own family and the salvation of his 2 boys.

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Welcome to New Site

   It seems like it's been a long time coming but the new site is finally here! We have moved to a new hosting and upgraded things for more security and hopefully a little faster as well.

   We do regret that we did not move the users over into this site. So feel free to create a new login as we hope to interact more with our members in the future. The reason we decided against moving any user accounts was simply to eliminate all the spam accounts that have accumulated on the old system.

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