Anabaptist Sermons

... it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. 1Cor. 1:21

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Welcome to New Site

   It seems like it's been a long time coming but the new site is finally here! We have moved to a new hosting and upgraded things for more security and hopefully a little faster as well.

   We do regret that we did not move the users over into this site. So feel free to create a new login as we hope to interact more with our members in the future. The reason we decided against moving any user accounts was simply to eliminate all the spam accounts that have accumulated on the old system.

   Along with these changes we also change a little in our direction. We are going back to our original mission of managing a database of select sermons and lectures that we feel are especially helpful.

   We will still maintain a archive of .mp3 audio sermons from various churches and events from the past and may add to those as time goes on. Those will be listed under Audio Archives.

   Instead of trying to host all the sermon files for various churches, we will now maintain a directory of podcast feeds from these churches. As time and technology has progressed, a lot of churches have setup their own websites and don't need the hosting services anymore. If a church need help in setting up a website and/or a podcast for their sermons, I will still be glad to do that and then republish their podcast on this site. Hopefully we can provide a broader range of sermon resources with this approach.

   We also added some old public domain ebooks that might be helpful to you as well.

   If you would like to have your church podcast listed on this site, feel free to submit that info through our Contact Us page. Those churches eligible would subscribe to the 1963 Mennonite Confession of Faith or a prior edition of this.


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